



löpez293458 2016年7月1日 09:14


这场KO直播不仅增加了林保仪及林保怡的个人影响力,而且也引发了关于艺术界对于公众形象管理的讨论。网友和追随者可以通过这次直播活动来更加深入地了解林保仪不仅是一位才华堆股的唱歌家,也是面对个人挑战和心理健康问题时,无论多么困难和痛苦的过程中所展现出的脆弱与坚韧。这不仅是对林保仪个人生活的了解,也为其创作提� Written by Ashish Kumar Singh

In recent days, there has been a huge buzz around the concept of sustainable development in India. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been introduced to attain global goals for a better future through five-year plans and annual budgets. SDGs aim at ensuring accessibility to adequate, affordable, and quality food; water security; sustainable agriculture systems; livelihood improvement of farmers and farm workers; gender equality in rural areas; reducing inequality within society (SDG 10); promoting healthy lifestyle choices for youths in cities; strengthening the role of women at community levels.

However, while India is focusing on its development agenda by laying a framework to achieve SDG targets over the next two decades, it must remember that the sustainable future also depends upon today's actions towards an environment-friendly and eco-sensitive lifestyle, particularly among urban communities.

Many cities in India have failed to build a healthy relationship between nature and mankind due to over-consumption of natural resources, indiscriminate use of infrastructure and unhealthy environmental practices at the community level, which has also become an integral part of urban development today. The rapid increase in population growth rate across cities as well as within rural areas (urbanization) has caused a tremendous strain on India's resources that can only be mitigated through conscious efforts and lifestyle modifications by individuals and communities at large, thus requiring people to adopt sustainable living habits.

The first step towards promoting ecologically-conscious behavior among urban citizens is the concept of "nature" in cities. While this may sound contradictory, it's a fact that nature has always thrived around us, irrespective of how developed we are as a nation. It's essential for people to reconnect with and value their surroundings in order to create an environment-friendly lifestyle today.

A few key factors can help urban communities live sustainably:

First and foremost, it is necessary to make citizens aware of the benefits that nature offers through environmental education. Many people are unaware of how their actions influence the environment around them and believe in using resources without considering its impacts on other living beings and ecosystems. People often fail to realize that many natural resources used by urban communities, such as water for drinking, food consumption, industrial development, etc., come directly from nature or are processed through nature-based systems like the hydrological cycle and biogeochemical cycles of the earth system.

Secondly, there should be a focus on creating green spaces in cities that help promote sustainable living habits. Urbanization often results in poor air quality due to pollution caused by industrial activities and transportation, but trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and produce oxygen (O2). Studies have shown that a single mature tree can remove up to 48 pounds of CO2 annually. Therefore, having more greenery in cities helps not only with air purification but also provides shade for homes and buildings as well as offers recreational activities for citizens.

Thirdly, recycling must be encouraged by individuals and organizations alike. While many large companies have already adopted recycling policies, the responsibility should fall on everyone to adopt simple habits that reduce waste generation and increase reuse and recycling rates. The Indian government has been promoting the concept of 'Swachh Bharat' (Clean India) which aims at enhancing the quality of life by keeping cities clean through awareness programs, construction of public toilets, waste collection centers, etc., thus reducing open dumping and burning practices that pollute the environment.

Fourthly, there is an urgent need for people to understand the importance of water conservation in urban areas as it's a crucial resource for all life on earth. Water resources are depleting at an alarming rate across India due to over-exploitation and climate change effects like erratic rainfall patterns, which have led to drought conditions in many states. People need to make conscious efforts towards conserving water by fixing leaky faucets or pipes, reducing shower times, harvesting rainwater for domestic use, avoiding wastage of water during activities such as car cleaning and garden irrigation.

Finally, urban communities must adopt renewable energy sources to reduce dependency on fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases (GHGs). This will require a collective effort from citizens who can contribute by installing solar panels at home or opting for electric vehicles instead of traditional petrol/diesel-powered ones. By reducing our carbon footprint, we can mitigate the effects of global warming and climate change that have severe impacts on the environment and human well-beenas.

In conclusion, India's focus on achieving SDG targets is commendable but must be complemented with conscious efforts by individuals towards an eco-friendly lifestyle in urban communities today. Promoting a harmonious relationship between nature and mankind can lead to better health outcomes for citizens while ensuring long-term sustainability of natural resources across the nation. Let us all make it our duty to protect this planet and leave it in good shape for future generations, irrespective of whether we live in cities or rural areas.

Ashish Kumar Singh is a writer on science and technology. He tweets as @akumarsingh. The article was first published by 'The Wire' (www.thewire.in) under the "Why urban communities must adopt eco-friendly lifestyles".

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