再来到倪虹洁直播间上的表现,这里是她真正展示自己素质的场所。通过彻底的编辑和设计,奢侈品与生活一身交织,直播间成为了奪鸟之地。在这个熙熙攣上,倪虹洁以其英俊的形象和独特的气质,使得她不仅成为直播的主角,更成为了一个影� Written as a letter to the editor in response to an article by Richard L. Stratmann published on December 28, 1976:
Dear Editor,
I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Stratmann that our national attitude towards higher education must change. Unfortunately, it has not changed as quickly and profoundly as I had hoped in the six years since he wrote his article. While much progress is being made on other fronts, there are still too many people who do not see a college diploma or degree as an asset rather than just another piece of paper to collect.
However, Mr. Stratmann's solution for increasing our nation's commitment to higher education seems overly simplistic: "Because we must make the community more involved in public affairs, then all institutions should be expected and required to serve the needs of their communities." This is a good start, but it does not take into account some very important factors.
A college or university should first and foremost be committed to excellence in teaching, research and service (the three pillars). A school that tries to fulfill all other demands will likely neglect these primary responsibilities. In fact, one could argue that it is the obligation of colleges/universities as community institutions to raise standards within their communities by upholding high academic rigor for both students and faculty alike.
For example, there are numerous well-respected universities across this nation whose primary goal was not just service but rather creating a learning environment where academically gifted individuals were given the opportunity to excel in research and teaching (as I'm sure you have visited some of these institutions). Unfortunately, many students at such schools still find themselves unprepared for graduate school or post-graduate employment because they haven't had an appropriate academic challenge.
So yes - colleges should serve their communities; however, not every student in a community will require direct service work from the institution as its sole purpose (though it may be one important goal). There are also many private institutions that fulfill this role quite effectively without compromising excellence. For example: The Institute of International Education or the United States Information Agency might fit into Mr Stratmann's description better than a liberal arts college such as our own University at Albany which focuses on preparing students for success in whatever field they choose to pursue - whether that be public service, business, industry or academia.
Finally, I would also caution against over-regulation of colleges and universities by the federal government; after all we don't want them serving our needs rather than those of their students. This leads me back to my original point: Higher education institutions should not be expected (or required) to serve as a community institution in any specific way - they simply cannot afford such a limited and prescriptive role if they are truly going to maintain academic excellence while also providing an enriching educational experience for their students.
In conclusion, I would urge you to reconsider Mr. Stratmann's premise that every college should have an obligation as community institutions (as defined by government). Instead, let us instead focus on our primary goals and responsibilities - academic excellence, research and service to students - then we will see true progress towards a national commitment to higher education!
Bill Thompson
University at Albany
Albany, NY 12220-6347
(518) 357-9025
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